NEW PEDIATRIC RESEARCH: 30% Go Undiagnosed with Positional Plagiocephaly.

From Pediatrics. February 2019. “Cognitive Outcomes and Positional Plagiocephaly”

  1. School Aged Children score lower on academic measures.
  2. Positional plagiocephaly and braciocephaly indicated as new marker to be clinically assessed for developmental delay risk.
  3. Delaying intervention to skull deformity, even at the earliest stages, is not advised.

Due to this new publication and to help spread awareness about the risks of Developmental Delay as well as encourage Early Intervention & Screening for Plagiocephaly along with Developmental Delay, we are a free screening to patients whose family/guardians with concerns of developmental delay and potential positional/postural habits of their babies and kiddos.


What is Torticollis? You may have heard of things like “Flat Head Syndrome” or “Wry Neck” for babies. Well, Torticollis is a condition of limited neck motion where your baby holds his head tilted to one side and rotated to the opposite side. This results from shortening of the neck muscles while in utero or with poor positioning.

The risks of complications include:
○ May lead to plagiocephaly
○ May be reduced with stretching, positioning, and exercise, all of which physical therapy can provide.
○ May be related to visual deficits (pseudo-torticollis)
○ Most infants will demonstrate good results within 6 months, however treatment varies

To help better serve our San Diego communities, we’ve made available two helpful, FREE downloadable resources. Signing up for these resources also puts you in the front of the line in our system to book a free screening!

  1. 8 Signs Your Baby May Have Torticollis [A CHECKLIST]
  2. Our Torticollis and Plagiocephaly [AN INFO SHEET]

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